Of Minds and Media

It’s not news that the news media is in crisis. In search of higher ratings and broader circulation, media outlets have over time abandoned the primary role of news: to provide people with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, communities, societies and governments.[i] The 2016 election cycle seemed to… Read more »
Signs Along the Road
“Los arboles purifican al aire,” said the standard brown road sign on the side of the Pan American Highway heading south into Quito. We passed it so quickly I wasn’t sure what I’d seen. Share
Occupy Diversity
Contemporary diversity challenges will not be met by pot lucks and festivals alone; by training without accountability structures or by staff beholden to layers above. In fact, it is possible for even the best-intentioned efforts to add to the problem by covering up what’s really wrong….
Diversity Revisited
The field of diversity and inclusion has made progress and regress. Where do we talk frankly about this?